What are the Properties and Uses of Commonly Used Light Stabilizers?

An additive that can delay the performance of plastic products under the action of light is called a potential light stabilizer.

The properties and uses of common light stabilizers are as follows.

① 2-hydroxy-4-octanoxy benzophenone, also known as UV-531. Light yellow powder, melting point of about 48℃, soluble in acetone, benzene and ethanol, insoluble in water, little toxicity. Good compatibility with resin, low volatility, can be used as a variety of plastic light stabilizer. The dosage should not exceed 1%.

②2- (3 ', 5 '-di-tert-butyl-2' -hydroxyphenyl) -5-chlorobentriazole is also known as UV-327. Light yellow powder, melting point is about 155℃, low toxicity, high temperature resistance, good chemical stability, good washing resistance. Suitable for olefin resins and ring itch resins. The dosage is 1% ~ 3%.

③ Bis (3, 5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl phosphate monoethyl ester) nickel is also known as UV-2002. Light yellow powder, melting point about 190℃, belongs to the organic nickel-chromium complex containing phosphorus nickel chelating light stabilizer. It is suitable for commonly used resin molding film, and has certain antioxidant and flame retardant effects. The dosage is not more than 1%.

④ Bis [2,2 '-thiobio-4 - (1, 13, 3-tetramethylbutylphenol) nickel] also known as AM101. Quenched light stabilizer, green powder, toxic. Suitable for polyolefin resin, forming film, can improve the processing performance, but can not be used for white and transparent products.

⑤ 4-benzoyl-2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethylpiperidine is also known as UV-744. Powder, melting point about 93℃, low toxicity, hydrolysis resistance, no coloring. Suitable for use in polyolefin resin, can block the continuation of oxidation reaction, glow stabilization.